2025 Grants

PTANT offers 3 grant rounds each year and 4 different types of grants to eligible member associations. Member association grants are made possible through the Services Funding Agreement between PTANT and the Northern Territory Department of Education.


Member associations:

  • Must be a financial member of PTANT
  • Are to have acquitted all grants from the previous year/s
  • Are able to apply for up to two grants per year and a Governance grant (3 in total)
  • Should check the grant type for additional eligibility requirements

Grant Rounds

Round Open Close
Early Bird Round

28 October 2024

Week 4, Term 4 2024

29 November 2024

Week 8, Term 4 2024

Round 1

10 February 2025

Week 3, Term 1 2025

28 February 2025

Week 5, Term 1 2025

Round 2

14 July 2025

Week 1, Term 3, 2025

1 August 2025

Week 3, Term 3, 2025

Key messages

  • Acquittals are due 31 December of the year the grant is awarded.
  • National conference grants have a longer acquittal period of two years.
  • Specify the amount you need in the application not exceeding the max amount for the grant type and attach a tax invoice.
  • Purchase of alcohol will not be approved.
  • Presenter gifts can be included in the application however need to be a maximum of $100.







$1 500 max




Enables new and existing associations to get back on their feet, to establish or re-establish their association:

·  develop a website

·  Territory Business Centre form lodgement fees

·  Bank account establishment fees

·  ERT for a member be released from work to set up/re-establish the association administration processes

·  host a membership drive event and or attend community events

·  attend association governance training

·  Attend training relevant for association committee members.


AIM: the grant application presents a clearly defined aim aligned to the start-up needs of the association, which includes alignment to the establishment or re-establishment of an association.

NEED: the grant proposal includes a clear articulation that the planned spending addresses a specific need and that the planned spending will successfully address that need.  

OUTCOMES & DELIVERABLES: the grant proposal makes reference to clear outcomes or deliverables resulting from the planned spending.

PLANNING & ORGANISATION: evidence that the Association has the capacity to plan and deliver start-up functions funded under this grant (this may include risk management).

VALUE FOR MONEY: the grant demonstrates value for money by indicating that the short, medium and long-term impacts of the spending are appropriately balanced against the costs.

BUDGET: value can be determined by the inclusion of a budget that details the proposed spending.

ELIGIBILITY: in addition to the grant eligibility stated above this grant is available once only to newly formed associations within 12 months of incorporation or an existing member association that has not received a PTANT grant for over 24 months and wants to re-establish.



$2 000 max


To manage compliance obligations under the Act and regulations. Funding can be spent on gaining outside assistance as well as up-skilling members. The proposed activity must align with requirements imposed under the Act. For example funding can:

·  engage an auditor

·  hold an annual general meeting

·  undertake governance training

·  assist with constitution changes

·  undertake a bookkeeper’s course

·  Purchase of accounting software, ie. MYOB or Tidy HQ

·  provide ERT to support the executive to undertake governance duties

·  Purchase public liability insurance


AIM: the grant application presents a clearly defined aim aligned to the governance needs of the association, which includes alignment to Associations Act NT 2003.

NEED: the grant proposal includes a clear articulation that the planned spending addresses a specific need and that the planned spending will successfully address that need.   

OUTCOMES & DELIVERABLES: the grant proposal makes reference to clear outcomes or deliverables resulting from the planned spending.

PLANNING & ORGANISATION: evidence that the Association has the capacity to plan and deliver governance funded under this grant (this may include risk management).

VALUE FOR MONEY: the grant demonstrates value for money by indicating that the short, medium and long-term impacts of the spending are appropriately balanced against the costs.

BUDGET: value can be determined by the inclusion of a budget that details the proposed spending.

ELIGIBILITY: in addition to the grant eligibility stated above this grant application is designed to meet eligibility. All items selected in the application that are within the capped amount and the total does not exceed $2000 will be automatically approved. Items added to the application or that exceed the capped amount will be considered for approval.




$10 000 max


Enable NT teachers to build skills, knowledge and pedagogical practices in a range of disciplines. This in turn provides NT teachers with evidence based programs, practices and teaching styles to improve student outcomes.

A member association may apply for funding to:

●   bring a discipline specific presenter to the NT to deliver professional learning

●   financial assistance for members to attend professional learning where the members commit to providing professional support to NT teachers

●   Host conference/s in the NT

●   financial assistance for remote members to travel to attend professional learning


AIM: the grant application presents a clearly defined aim aligned to the professional learning needs of Northern Territory educators, which includes:

●      Alignment to the Australian Curriculum, NTCET or other accredited curriculum framework;

●      Alignment to the Australian Professional Standards for Educators and/or the Australian Professional Standard for Principals.

NEED: the grant proposal includes a clear articulation that the planned spending addresses a specific need and that the planned spending will successfully address that need.   

OUTCOMES & DELIVERABLES: the grant proposal makes reference to clear outcomes or deliverables resulting from the planned spending.

PLANNING & ORGANISATION: evidence that the Association has the capacity to plan and deliver professional learning funded under this grant (this may include risk management).

DISSEMINATION: the grant proposal includes strategies for sharing professional learning with educators who cannot directly access grant activities.

EVALUATION: the grant proposal identifies strategies for measuring and evaluating the impact of the grant activities.

VALUE FOR MONEY: the grant demonstrates value for money by indicating that the short, medium and long-term impacts of the spending are appropriately balanced against the costs.

SUSTAINABILITY: in determining value, professional learning derived from the proposed spending is sustainable in the medium to long-term.

BUDGET: value can be determined by the inclusion of a budget that details the proposed spending.



$15 000 max


Enables associations to co-convene/co-host a national conference in the NT to enable territory teachers to access high quality professional learning and showcase educational excellence.

Member association may apply for funding to:

●   hire a venue

●   engage guest speakers

●   secure accommodation

●   cover associated expenses such as catering and administrative materials



·        The national association has formally scheduled a national conference in the Northern Territory.

·        The national association is able to provide support for planning and organising the conference (including in kind support or guidance).

·        A date has been scheduled for the conference.

·        The NT association has established a planning sub-committee to support the organisation of the national conference.

·        The NT association has considered possible risks associated with organising the conference.

·        The association has prepared a budget of planned spending


In addition to the grant eligibility stated above:

·        National conference grants require that the PTANT and DoE be recognised and sponsors and require the sponsorship prospectus to be provided when available.


Application and assessment

    • Early bird grant applications may have conditional approval pending the acquittal of past grants.
    • Late applications may be accepted however with grant budget constraints the committee may not be able to award late grant applications.
    • Assessment is based on the application meeting the purpose, the criteria, impact for NT educators and competitiveness against other applications.

Varying existing grants 

It is important to plan ahead when applying for grants however, occasionally changes occur that impact the delivery of the initial grant  purpose, scope and budget. In the event an association has not used the grant as intended the association has the option to return the unspent grant funds through the acquittal process or apply to vary the grant scope and expend the funds in a different way.

The professional learning grant application has a variation section that needs to be completed if you wish to vary your awarded grant. Variation requests are assessed at the time of the request and subject to the same assessment criteria as the original application. 

Governance Grant

We know associations have regular governance needs that come at a cost and for this reason PTANT has simplified the way members access the governance grant.

This grant is NOT counted in the 2 grants that members can apply for each year.

What’s new?

  • Public liability insurance is an item listed in the governance grant application. The old reimbursement process will cease.
  • Some items are pre-approved with capped amounts. If your application only seeks pre-approved items within the capped amount and the total does not exceed $2000, the application is automatically approved for eligible members.
  • The maximum amount of a governance grant has increased to $2000.

Simple application

  • Tick the boxes of items that the governance grant will fund
  • Enter the amount (note capped amounts for items that are pre-approved)
  • To apply for an item outside of the pre-approved scope, choose other and complete the required fields. Applications with other items will be considered by the PTANT executive for approval.
  • Attach an invoice
  • Sign and submit



(08) 8944 9324

Please let us know if you would like to meet with your association to go over the application process.


Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8944 9312

ABN: 463 302 816 41