Chinese Language Teachers' Association of Northern Territory



President: Bee Huang Khoo

About us

Chinese Language Teachers' Association of the Northern Territory (CLTANT) was established in 2018 and is governed by the CLTANT Constitution. CLTANT is associated with the Professional Teachers' Association of the Northern Territory (PTANT) and the Chinese Language Teachers' Federation of Australia (CLTFA). It is a not-for-profit organisation and is run voluntarily by committee members comprised of local teachers or staff related to Mandarin language teaching. 

The objectives of CLTANT aims to:

  • Promote the teaching and learning of the Mandarin language in the Northern Territory
  • Provide professional development opportunities for teachers to impve their teaching practice that is aligned with the Australian Curriculum and the NTCET framework
  • Provide cultural workshops for teachers to deliver in class and achieve better outcomes for students' learning
  • Strengthen networks amongst professionals through sharing teaching pedagogies and working collaboratively


Membership dues support the CLTANT's operations to continue bringing high calibre educators to come and share their expertise and offer more services to members. CLTANT members enjoy the following benefits:

  • Free admittance to all professional learning workshops (non-members are charged a fee to attend)
  • Accumulate hours for qualified workshops attended that go towards the members' total professional development requirements
  • Right to nominate self or others to serve on the CLTANT board and have the right to vote for board members
  • Network with other professionals in the education field
  • Receive updates about Association activities and community events related to Chinese language education. Members are welcome to post relevant annoucements
  • Opportunities to apply for scholarships to attend local or interstate conferences, including the annual CLTFA conference
    • Remote teachers can apply for a $750 local conference grant
    • All members can apply for the $1500 interstate conference grant

Regular membership is valid for one year. The membership cycle runs from 1st January to 31st December of the same year. 


Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8944 9312

ABN: 463 302 816 41