Member Services
Request for Services
Member associations can request administrative support from the PTANT Executive Officer.
Please ensure you provide all the information required for PTANT to assess the request for support. Requests will be evaluated by the PTANT management committee for approval.
The Request for Service form can be found here.
PTANT has a storage shed where associations can store goods and records.
The Storage Facility Request form can be found here.
Website landing pages
Each member association has the option to have a Landing Page on the PTANT website.
If you wish to establish or update the Landing Page for your association, the Landing Page Request form can be found here.
Insurance Reimbursements
Financial member associations can have public liability insurance costs reimbursed. Members can also access insurance through PTANT's broker, Thomas Insurance Brokers. If you require advice or require an insurance reimbursement, please contact the Executive Officer. An invoice and proof of insurance to claim a reimbursement will be required.
Have you got an exciting event coming up? PTANT can share your event on their Facebook page. Contact the Executive Officer for further information.
Eligible member associations can apply for up to two grants per calendar year. There are three types of grants. Visit our Grant Information page for further information.
Associations Act Advice
Please contact us at any time for assistance and advice about running an association to meet the requirements of the Association Act.
Networking Opportunities
PTANT host several events throughout the year to bring associations together to share innovative practices and to celebrate achievements.
Association Committee Members’ Development Opportunities
PTANT will offer committee member upskilling opportunities throughout the year.
Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801
Phone: 08 8944 9312
ABN: 463 302 816 41