Australian Association Special Education NT Chapter


President: Larelle Gilbert

AASE National

Facebook: AASENorthernTerritory

About Us

Australian Association of Special Education NT branch (AASE NT) is a peak body of professionals, other paraprofessionals and community members with expertise and/or interest in the education of children and young people with special education needs.

AASE aims to provide educational leadership; participate in and disseminate quality research to inform educational practice; build partnerships with universities, services providers and the community; and arrange high quality professional learning events.

What is the benefit of an AASE NT Membership?

  • Represent and support the teachers involved in teaching students with additional needs
  • Provide opportunities of professional development to all teachers in the Northern Territory
  • Provide a network for teachers in all localities to be able to share ideas and communicate with each other
  • Provide a national network through AASE


Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8944 9312

ABN: 463 302 816 41