Science Teachers Association of the Northern Territory

About Us

The Science Teachers' Association of the Northern Territory (STANT) are the voice locally and nationally regarding science related issues. It is a collaborative non-profit organisation made up of entirely of volunteer educators from Northern Territory schools, tertiary establishments and government education departments. The Australian Science Teachers' Association (ASTA) is the federation to whom all state and territory science teachers' associations belong. 

STANT values the expertise of NT teachers, their capability to broaden and share knowledge, and the further development of our instituted in excellence teaching community. STANT's vision is to be valued as the gateway to high-quality and respected professional learning, support, advice and networking opportunities across the NT. Through continued grant revenue sourcing, STANT sponsors members to attend local, national and international professional development opportunities. STANT also organises access to social and educational events such as the local Territory Young Scientist competition, STEMX Regional, CONASTA and Bush Blitz to encourage networking among science educators to enhance the quality of science education in the NT.


Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8944 9312

ABN: 463 302 816 41