English Teachers' Association of the NT


President: Cody Clifford


AAEE Chapter

Facebook: EnglishTeachersNT

About Us

The English Teachers' Association of the Northern Territory (ETANT) provides professional development, publications and a wide range of resources for secondary English teachers. ETANT conduct a number of student based activities including the NT Schools Debating Competition, Plain English Speaking Award (PESA) and REEL shorts. ETANT are affiliated with the Australian Association for the Teaching of English (AATE) and members have access to their website and journals. The ETANT are indebted to the many volunteers who have contributed to ETANT since its foundation in the late 1970s. 

What is the benefit of an ETANT Membership?

  • Representation and support for teachers involved in the teaching of English
  • Professional development opportunities throughout the year including workshops from local and interstate presenters
  • Grants to assist members to attend international, national and local conferences
  • An NT network for teachers to share ideas and resources
  • A national network through AATE
  • Publications including: English in Australia (national journal), EnglishcoNnecT (NT journal) and regular ETANT newsletters
  • Discounts on resources offered through AATE
  • Access to many resources offered by our equivalent state associations
  • Reduced admission to the AATE/ALEA National Conference


Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8944 9312

ABN: 463 302 816 41