Home Economics Institute of Australia NT Chapter


President: Cheryl Sonter


HEIA National

Facebook: HEIAInc


About Us

The Home Economics Institute of Australia (HEIA) is the peak professional body for home economics professionals in Australia. The mission of the Institute is to enhance the professionalism and political legitimation of Australian home economics. HEIA represents the interests of home economists working in education, industry, community services, consumer affairs and family and household management. The Institute was established to:

  • Provide a national focus for home economics and home economists
  • Promote public recognition of the role of home economists
  • Set professional standards for the practice of home economics and promote the professional standing of home economists
  • Encourage and assist home economists with continuing education and professional development
  • Encourage, initiate and coordinate research into areas related to home economics
  • Cooperate and affiliate with bodies at a state, national and international level, concerned with the education and advocacy for families and households in their everyday living

What is the benefit of a HEIA Inc Membership?

HEIA provides you with the opportunity to improve your own professional practice. As a member of HEIA you will:

  • Meet and network with other like-minded professionals in your areas of interest
  • Stay in the know and benefit from a range of products and services whether you are a graduate, experienced teacher or tertiary educator
  • Take the opportunity to become a leader in your profession by being part of a committee or interest group
  • Be affiliated with other professional organisations such as International Federation of Home Economics (IFHE), Australian Alliance of Associations in Education (AAAE), Consumers' Federation of Australia (CFA) and the Butterfly Foundation
  • Being part of a national organisation supports each and every member to achieve outcomes and goals that would otherwise be difficult to attain
  • Online resources and monthly online national newsletters


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Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8944 9312

ABN: 463 302 816 41